18 articles
How does Mettle share my data for Confirmation of Payee (CoP)?
Does Confirmation of Payee protect me from fraud?
How will Confirmation of Payee impact me?
How do I authorise an online card payment in-app?
Do you support 3D Secure?
What is 3D Secure?
What is my contactless limit?
Why isn't my contactless working?
Can I make an international payment?
Which types of payment can I make?
How do I transfer money?
Are there limits on my transactions?
Can I set up Direct Debits and standing orders?
Why do I need to change my payment reference?
Why has my transaction declined?
Why can't I see my old Direct Debits?
Why wasn't my old Direct Debit sent?
Why does a NatWest logo show when someone tries to pay me or I pay a Mettle account?