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41 articles
How does Mettle share my data for Confirmation of Payee (CoP)?
Does Confirmation of Payee protect me from fraud?
How will Confirmation of Payee impact me?
How do I authorise an online card payment in-app?
Do you support 3D Secure?
What is 3D Secure?
What is my contactless limit?
Why isn't my contactless working?
Can I make an international payment?
Which types of payment can I make?
How do I transfer money?
Are there limits on my transactions?
Can I set up Direct Debits and standing orders?
Why do I need to change my payment reference?
Why has my transaction declined?
Why can't I see my old Direct Debits?
Why wasn't my old Direct Debit sent?
Why does a NatWest logo show when someone tries to pay me or I pay a Mettle account?
What information do I need to provide to the person paying money into my account?This article provides information on the details you need to provide to customers to allow Confirmation of Payee checks to be completed.
Can I opt out of Confirmation of Payee?
What is Confirmation of Payee?
When receiving a payment what is my account name?
What should I do if I'm missing a payment?
What should I do if a bank transfer I'm expecting hasn't arrived?
What types of payments can I receive?
What are Variable Recurring Payments (VRPs) and sweeping?
How do I cancel a sweeping payment?
How do I amend a sweeping payment?
Why has my sweeping payment not been received?
Will I be charged for using sweeping payments?
How does Variable Recurring Payments (VRP) and sweeping compare to other payment methods?
How do I ask for a refund or raise a dispute about a sweeping payment?
Does Mettle support VRPs (Variable Recurring Payments)?
How do I set up a sweeping payment?